Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mighty Morphin Mascots Marathon

As a lowly youth I was a leaf...from a mighty sycamore tree.
For a brief stint the leaf attempted a transformation to a shark but because of a lack of water that idea didn't float.
From the humble leaf, I grew into a panther. Might and bold, the panther reigned for 2 years.
One animal wasn't enough to contain the epic beast within. A magic spell and a couldren stiring sesh later and I was a whole wolfpack. For four years the wolfpack ran the I.E. with iron grips....but California wasn't big enough to handle the rambunctious animal within. A lone wolf emerged from the pack, but wasn't discovered, upon entering the state of Idaho that he was in fact a coyote in wolf's clothing. The yote enjoyed a fun and prosperous life span of 4 years, making many friends and experiencing so much. However, for 2 years after that my spirit was only a witness to the rider and the roadrunners. In the fall of 2010, I emerged, without any really difficultly, as a leopard...but the leopard wasn't the right mascot, but the leopard didn't exist too long before it reached it's full potential was a might man of troy, my trojan spirit is strong and is a dream manifestation for all I want in my education.

Random factoid: I don't get tired of reading or hearing people say, "Welcome to USC."

La Cultura Cura

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

De Colores

No invoco tu nombre en vano
"Soy y estoy en la luz que me produce,
Vivo en la sombra que me determina" (Neruda)

Para hacer un efuerzo a escribir los versos mas felices
recientemente solo escribo los versos mas gloomy

Puedo oir las voces de mis 2nd graders
De colores, de colores
Se visten los campos en la primavera.
De colores, de colores
Son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera.
De colores, de colores
Es el arco iris que vemos lucir.

Una cancion para los niños
Pero, para mi es un aviso para recordar los colores de mi vida

Mis ojos, verde y azul
Miran el amarillo del atardecer
El brillo de mi Ipod
blanco de cada sonrisa, es imposible a odiar una sonrisa
Azul, anaranjado, y amarillo de mis pulseras
Verde, de los arboles

Puedo escapar de vida hasta una tierra de colores
Tambien puedo tomar unas clases que puede enseñar me a escribir en español

Random factoid: Neruda described autumn as the "yellow dance"

La Cultura Cura