Thursday, February 24, 2011

Passion, Parentheses, People

I went from an academically flaccid program to its polar opposite. My new program is one where I am always busy. 3-5 articles a week, a chapter, forum posts and weekly papers force me to stay on task. Staying on task isn't just about completely my homework but understanding that this effort will let me live my dream.

My main struggle is to stay positive. I find myself getting frustrated when professors value proper placed parentheses over passion. There is a hypocrisy in graduate level education programs. The readings and professors harp on and on about being supportive and working with strengths of the students, over the assignment are very black and white, write and wrong. I definetly feel like my strengths are not being addressed. I am learning so much, but I am not bringing anything to the table. I understand that that is how graduate studies function, but I am a much stronger teacher than I am a I'm sure my readers can understand.

The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr

Random Factiod: Currently obsessed with Lupe Fiasco, Lasers out March 8th!

La Cultura Cura

Monday, February 7, 2011

NBA рефери Dictatorship

рефери, or as more commonly known, referee. I used the Russian spelling of the word because I feel that fits the post. The NBA referee system seems to be the current tyrannical power in the US. Take for example, if a player, announcer, or coach speaks out against something a referee does, even if the p,a, or c is just voicing an opinion, they get fined.... a lot. That is not fair, or ethical. We must then look to the route of the problem. If a coach, player, or announcer knows they're going to be fined for their remarks, why make them? I'll tell you!!! Because the system is flawed, the lack of criticism creates an organization that cannot be held accountable. The refs seem to be able to just make a call based on how they feel that day. There is no consistency.

For example in the following two videos:

The first, Blake Griffin attempts to block a shot, GOING FOR THE BASKETBALL, and collides with another player....a flagrant 1. While the call my be wrong, as long as the refs always call that play a foul I would not be as angry.

The second, Eddie House winds up and shoves Blake Griffin, throwing him against the support for the basket. By definition, a flagrant 2 foul involves a wind up and a follow through on the body of a player. Clearly a flagrant 2 foul right...nope, that gets put down into a flagrant one.

What does this mean? This means that going up for a shot block and making contact is the same as pushing someone, without the ball, on the floor. This is an outrage. How can I respect the NBA if they are going to allow such irresponsible and inconsistent performance from their employees. I don't know how the NBA ref union works, but it must be epic if the commissioner is unwilling to even try and control the referees. The more relaxed the calls are, the more the players are going to push the boundaries and then someone is going to be hurt.

Also, Kevin Garrnet is a totally anti role model. He starts a fight, then pushes a ref and doesn't even get a personal foul called against him....are you kidding?

This happens every game, and the worst part is that there is evidence.. the games are all video tapped, with so much proof of a faulty system, how can this continue to happen? On top of that, 34% of all the technical fouls have been recalled this year, that makes for every 3 techs, 1 of them is wrong....also unacceptable...something needs to change and soon or else I won't be able to support the NBA and their misguided management of the fans respect and more importantly, the player's health.

Random factoid: S-T-R-E-S-S is my new middle name, Herold is a thing of the past

La Cultura Cura