Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So, I'll be chronically my viajes in Cusco through this blog to try to keep people in the loop-dee- loop. I'll try to be coherent and make as much sense as possible. If I can figure it out I will put up pictures too. T-minus (the bear) 4 days until I fly out for my six week adventure in the Incan capital nestled in the Andes. It has been just over three years since my last expedition to the foreign country that most resembles California if you were to draw them both. I can credit many of my life choices over the past three years to my travels in Peru. I built relationships with people because of the mature and knowledge gain during my time abroad. I spent two years working with AmeriCorps and discovered a talent and passion for teaching...I really can't put into words the gargantuan effect my previous time in Peru has been to me.

I go back, to give back. I will be working with the Global Volunteer Network, http://www.globalvolunteernetwork.org/peru/, and will be doing some form of childcare...though the details are to be disclosed upon my arrival. Sorry I don't have much to share yet..but I am only just sitting in my room in Tacoma.

La Cultura Cura

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