It's true, the rumor mills can finally rest...I've left Cusco. Just writing those words sucked....blerg. I guess this is what it's like being a responsible grown up or something. My sadness doesn't not reflect the excitement to see all of my friends in EEUU. I'm just being a grumpy pants. Of course I am sad on the day I leave...if I'm not then the trip must've sucked or I'm a cold soulless meany-face.
I am super glad that my flight was the early afternoon. When I first left Peru in 2007, my flight was something like 9 in the morning. Today I didn't get in the airport until 1230. I was able to get a lot accomplished this morning. Starting around midnight I was able to throw up a few times....before you assume anything I can promise that I wasn't drunk. I was lucky enough to be among the majority of travels in Cusco and get random stomach bugs. I had quite a few my first time but this time I came out okay, I even ate crazier things this time around. But, I wasn't left out of the fun and got attached by the stomach military last that was fun! After a few hours of bad sleep I was able to shower and get on with my day. Since my stomach still didn't love me I didn't have to worry about eating anything, this saved valuable seconds for the morning. I was supposed to me Kathy, my favorite student, at 830 this morning. Her mother had came to my house the night before to try and set up a time because her daughter really wanted to say bye. Of course, they're Peruvian so they were late...and by late I mean I left after waiting 20 minutes and then meet up with another friend, Shella. Shella is a really fun Columbian girl that I really started to hang out with in my last week in Cusco. We hung out for a little over an hour and then she had to go to work. I had promised to meet Ursula, a bartender at The Crown, a bar where I knew all the employees, but I stayed out late with Soriada and Rossmery...not to mention the vomit I made sure to say goodbye this morning. I just sat around in the Plaza for a while reflecting and watching a parade of some sorts. I decided to walk home and finish my packing...which I didn't really have time to do...but I did it your face father time! When I finally made it back home I had only just barely started packing when 7 year old Ana-Luz showed up asking me to follow, small adorable latin can I say no. She is Kathy's cousin so I finally got to say bye to Kathy...after I did some chores. Her mom put me to work right when I got to their house, they are having a pollada....well, as I type this, so I had to take the chicken to the oven to be cooked. finally I got my stuff ready and set off for the airport. My main flight from Cusco to Lima was delayed in Lima so the lady put me on an early flight. Now I'm in Lima. I bought the Peruvian equivalent of an energy bar so I wouldn't have to buy anything here in the airport to eat...but I'm still hungry and the Papa John's looks delicious.
Random Factoid: I only took 200 less pictures this trip than the first, and this trip was only half of the time and I didn't leave Cusco.
La Cultura Cura