Friday, August 27, 2010

Nah dawg

I sit here typing on my computer after taking my second to last second to last shower. Like normal the water was freezing….oh wait, false! You might expect cold showers, but my shower is scorching hot…so hot I don’t stand in the spray of the water I have to splash it onto myself. I know that if I try to cool down the shower then it will just be like an iceberg is jumping out of the showerhead and punching you in the gentlemen’s reign…all over your body. Nonetheless, I would have an iceberg shower or a flame shower everyday because they it would mean that I didn’t have to leave. Today, the Canadian girls left, Laura, Andrea and the other one…what was her name? Oh yeah, Hayley Smith….(wow, I hope I didn’t make you rotted by that, at least you’re finally in it.) I told myself that if I was offered a job I would stay in Cusco…forever…but sadly, no job offers have arrived. I don’t know what I was expecting but yeah, a boy can dream.
I had my last day at Uriel Garcia today. I went to recess in the morning to say goodbye to students who I wouldn’t see in my class in the afternoon. I did not see one student, Sandra, and I feel terrible. Kathy, my fav, came to my afternoon class for the first time…it really made my day. She brought a letter from Sandra saying goodbye. This is the fourth time in three years that I’ve grown close to people and then moved away…it doesn’t get any easier. It sucked when I left Caldwell, I miss Salinas more than you want to read, I’m leaving so many people behind in WA, and now I am leaving my favorite city in the world and the first high schoolers I ever taught. I learned so much from them….I just prayed they learned something from me too. I really need to stop moving around…it’s really hard on the emotions…. not to mention my love life...I mean, COME ON! I will be heading to CA for an undetermined period of time…at least 2 years for school…most likely. I guess I do it to myself though. I mean, I have lived in three different states in the past three years, meet amazing people, and have gained experience I never would’ve gotten if I hadn’t do all of that…I’m reaching the point where I’m ready to start my life and I need to just stay somewhere and do it.
I wish I was more adventurous however, 99% of me wants to just not go to the airport on Sunday. 100% of me misses my friends but I really want them to just come visit me. The other 1% of me feels a sense of obligation to go home. I sabo that I’m not being original or unique with this thought, “oh, I love being abroad lets never go home.” And that’s fine, I’m okay with that. I could rant about why I’m different, but really…I’m probably not, I’m just a guy trying to figure things out. I’ve got a career path all there but I’m still figuring out the rest of it…hey, what’s the rush?

Random Factoid: I'm going to miss the daily stomach ache

La Cultura Cura

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