Saturday, August 14, 2010

Canadian Invasion

Holy smokes am I tired.
I worked my firm little booty off today. If anyone has seen any pictures of Cusco you might have seen some giant letters that read Viva Peru Glorioso. I had been wanting to climb onto one of the letters for quite sometime, and today, in honor of Andrea's birthday, I did. We started out around 930 in the EHEM from our house and just walked towards the side of the hill.
Our first stop was a large statue of Pachacutec and a large Incan style door frame. We had to climb A LOT of stairs and with some help from some construction workers we found the road that lead us up to the statue. Once at the statue, we discovered that they used to be a place were people would come visit look out at Cusco but now it was covered in graffiti, trash, and old booze bottles. There still was amazing view of the city, and we were only about 1/3 of the way up the hill. We took pictures and explored a little. At one point, we somehow climbed up the side of the statue and Mike and Andrea couldn't get down, so me and Laura did our best to encourage them and laugh at them equally.
Once we had all stately come down from there we headed out towards the letters. To get to the letters we had to walk through this tiny little community that we did not even knew existed there. As we walked through, most of the people were very nice but one may would not respond to our "buenos dias" and just grumbled at us in Quechua. We all certainly felt like we were trespassing, slightly. After the village, we were right below the letters. Andrea and I sat on some giant Os and then decided to make our way up up and up the mountain. Insert heavy breathing because that mountain kicked our bottoms. It was an amazing climb where we were not sure if a man was trying to tell us to leave or helping us. Finally we got to the top and were surround by no less than 5 butterflies. Look at the pictures on my facebook. It was a great way to enjoy a nice Sat. morning!!! What what!

Random Factoid: I have meet far too many Canadians

La Cultura Cura

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