Monday, April 18, 2011

Vamos A Ver

Estabamos marchando
Llegabamos a un puente
Abajo de una cascada
El agua pegaba a mi pelo
Tambien, a mi arma
Estaba luchando
Debia proteger mi arma
o mi cuerpo?
Cual era mas importante
por nuestra revolucion?
Asi es la vida
mi mida
mi lucha....
soy ingrediente

How should I tell one day from tother? The series of consonants and vowels that preside the suffic -day, carry no meaning but to keep the calender companies in business. My work schdeudle make play a larger role in giving meaning to each individual day as significant, but being as that I don't like my job, nor care about what happens there, I find myself, without school...without a reason to differentiate between.

Do I strive to find a job so that I can move out of my parents house and live my own life? Living on my own won't give me meaning. I don't dare begin to shift my focus to " getting by." I'm still in between bland white middle American life and a piece a paper that lets me get the job of my dreams. Waiting, that's all i'm doing, and not the kind of waiting that pays with tips.

If I get into a school it won't be until September....I can't just pass the months in between as if they're just time..but each day is an opportunity...however, I spend mine seeking distractions from my own thoughts and wishing things were different', neither of which are positive ways to spend my days. Change is needed...but how? Really, what's to do?

Random factoid: The latest book in the Mercy Thompson series is by far the worst of them all

La Cultura Cura

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